"Service is the heart of the business. Let ETi helps raise CSI and NPS scores to 90% and keep them"
Delivering Best Value for Customers
Customer Analytics & Monitoring Platform® (CAM)
Since 2005, ETi has put immense effort into developing the Customer Analytics & Monitoring Platform (CAM®) with the strongest belief that "Service is the heart of the business."
CAM® helps firms better manage customer experience and deliver the best value to the customers.
The traditional customer satisfaction survey which is managed once a year may not serve the purpose of delivering customer experience. In the digital world where customers constantly interact with your company, a business must have a better tool that continuously monitors service performance, evaluates and analyze customer data and turn them into actionable results.
CAM® produces not only operational data, but also actionable data for which C-Suite executives could use it for a strategic business decision, management could use it for service performance optimization, and operation manager could use it for service process improvement and new value creation.
Become our partner and gain these benefits:
Better engage with your customers
Understand the priority of correction and improvement
Deliver better customer experience through personalized service
See trending issues and identify early warning signals
Identify the gap between your performance goal and actual performance
If you think CAM® is the right solution for you, let ETi help you now. Call us at +66629516887 or Email us at areeyarath@eternalinnovations.co.th. We guarantee that your Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) will be increased within six months.